Does divorce hurt your credit score? The quick answer is “yes.” But only in some situations. Your credit score is not automatically affected by your divorce. The Clerk of Court does not notify the credit bureaus that you are no longer married. Your credit score is hurt when your debts are not paid in a
Changes to Required Parenting Class in North Florida
Florida law has long required divorcing couples with children to attend a “Parent Education and Family Stabilization” class aimed at educating the parents about the special challenges that await children of those divorcing couples. Parents involved in a paternity case are also required to take the class. In Duval County, this class, Children First in
Facts about High Conflict Divorce
A High Conflict Divorce is a divorce where the parties are essentially at war and use their lawyers and the court system as their weapons. The parties typically recognize (or are told) very early in the process that waging this type of “war” will be very expensive. They don’t care. A recent article discusses some
Vacation Tips for Divorced or Separated Parents
School’s out for the summer. That means it’s time for family vacations. Unfortunately, that often means stress for parents and children. The following tips may help the parents avoid conflict and allow the children to have a better vacation. To try to avoid the stress of summer vacation, consider the following tips: Plan your trips
Diet After Divorce
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal discussed a new study of the diets of men and women after divorce. The researchers assessed the health of 11,577 people who ranged in age from 40 to 80. The participant’s health was assessed from 1993 to 1997 and a second time from 1998 to 2002. As part