What is the role of the Mediator in a Florida Family Law case?
For more information, visit the website https://www.jimmullaney.com
The mediator’s first job is to tell you about the rules of mediation. the rules involve confidentiality and what role the mediator plays in your case.
The mediator’s second job is to listen to how each side would like the case resolved. This can be done with the parties in separate rooms, but is often done together.
The third job of the mediator is to take settlement offers back and firth between the parties. In order to reach an agreement, the mediator may ask you to lessen or drop one of your requirements in order to get a similar concession from the other side.
After a few rounds of this back and forth, cases are usually settled. If that is the case, the mediator’s fourth job is to draft a settlement agreement for both side to sign. If you are unable to reach an agreement, the mediator only needs to tell the judge that both sides attended the mediation and that no agreement was reached.
Lastly, it is important to note what the mediator is not. The mediator is not a judge. The mediator will not make decisions in your case. The mediator will not tell you that you are right and the other side is wrong. And the mediator will not give you legal advice.